
About + Plans

Add Cybos to your Site!

Add Cybos to your site!

Simply copy the code below and place anywhere in your '<body>', or click the button above to copy instantly!

After adding the code snippet, the Cybos Viewer should appear like it does in the bottom right corner.


If anything in the below guide is confusing or you want to reach out to me to workshop even further customization features please reach out to me on discord (AR #4579) or leave a comment here on neocities!

You can replace the background of the cybo viewer and the arrow that is clickable by replacing
with the location of images of your own.

In order to replace these properly you must make images with the appropriate dimensions. The image dimensions are
305px by 440px for the phone.png
176px by 17px for the phoneArrows

The phoneArrows image appears like this:

It is split into four sections each 44px wide. The first section is the arrow when the phone is in the default, down, position. The second section is the for the same postion when the mouse is hovering. The third section is for when the phone is open, and the fourth is for the same scenario when the mouse is hovering over it.


For any bug reports, criticism, or future ideas feel free to contact me on discord (AR#4579) or here on neocities